Phone: (641) 792-4121 • Fax: (641) 323-3100 • email:

Football Schedule Magnet

  • Now offering dual football schedules that are available with all professional and college teams! Sports are a big part of any community, by adding your company name and logo to a 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 football themed schedule magnet you can show your support for local teams and your neighbors as well. Always-in-stock with an approximate 0.020 material thickness, these customizable marketing tools are great for corporate sponsorships.
Production Time: 5 Working Days
250 $1.37 each
500 $1.05 each
1000 $0.80 each
2500 $0.63 each
5000 $0.61 each
10000 $0.49 each
Football Schedule Magnet

Highlights: Now offering dual football schedules that are available with all professional and college teams! Sports are a big part of any community, by adding your company name and logo to a 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 football themed schedule magnet you can show your support for local teams and your neighbors as well. Always-in-stock with an approximate 0.020 material thickness, these customizable marketing tools are great for corporate sponsorships.

Additional decoration charges may apply.

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
3.5" W X 8.5" H

0.062475 LB

Country of Manufacture
United States

Customer Service
Newton Manufacturing Company, Inc.
854 Angliana Ave
(641) 792-4121

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